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10 Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

10 Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

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5 min

Can you name anyone who uses mobile phones for calls only? Indeed, smartphones have long evolved into something more versatile than just a ‘dialer.’

Now people can perform many day-to-day functions using apps on their phones. And the number of mobile software, in turn, is constantly increasing. According to Statista, there are currently about 3.5 million applications for Android and 2.2 million for iOS available.

Despite numerous apps on the market, businesses keep building new mobile solutions to remain visible and relevant. There are different approaches to doing this, and one of them is native mobile application development.

Today’s article will discuss the benefits of native app dev in the most detail. Arounda, as a professional mobile application development and design vendor, will give you reasons to choose this particular approach to building apps. This post will also share our profound experience creating customer-oriented mobile applications.

What Is Native Mobile App Development?

Before discussing native mobile app benefits, let’s figure out what these applications are and what their development involves.

A native mobile application is an app built for a particular operating system, such as iOS or Android.

So, what is native development in this context? It involves the use of specific technologies and tools for each of the platforms. As a result, you require different tech stacks to create an app for iOS and Android.

Let’s take a look at native mobile app development technologies for iOS and Android:

  • Building an iOS mobile app requires such programming languages ​​as Swift or Objective-C plus Xcode or AppCode integrated development environments.
  • Building an Android mobile app requires such programming languages as Kotlin or Java plus Android Studio or Eclipse integrated development environments.

Furthermore, users access native applications through dedicated app stores. It is, for instance, the Apple App Store for iOS users or Google Play for Android device owners. Spotify, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn are famous native mobile app examples.

We hope this section clarifies the native mobile app definition a bit for you. Now let’s move on to the benefits of this development approach.

Top 10 Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

What is native in mobile app? It’s primarily the opportunity to create an application that looks and feels outstanding. Yet, that’s not the only advantage of native mobile apps — there are way more. Let’s take a look at them:

1. Decent Performance

By choosing a native mobile app development approach, you create an application adapted to a specific platform. What does it mean?

Such apps do not depend on third-party software and use a platform-specific programming language and native APIs. As a result, native applications show decent performance and speed, especially compared to hybrid or cross-platform mobile solutions.

Moreover, native apps’ data is stored on the smartphone. That’s why the applications’ content loads much faster.

2. Top-Notch Security

Cyber ​​attacks and data breaches are becoming increasingly critical in today’s digital world. Because of this, companies should take care of their software’s security. One great way to do this is to opt for native development. Why is this approach more secure than other methods of building mobile apps?

Native applications can leverage the in-built security features of their operating system. Plus, developers typically use only official, thoroughly tested APIs when creating such software. All this significantly adds up to the apps’ protection.

3. More Bug-Free

You create two separate codebases when building native iOS and Android mobile apps. Instead, in the case of cross-platform development, you have one code base to support two applications at once. Which approach will be more bug-free?

Of course, it’s native development. You maintain two separate codebases using platform-specific SDKs, which allows you to make fewer errors.

4. Flawless User Experience

Developing a platform-specific mobile application also improves user experience and interface. And here’s why.

From a development perspective, each native platform has its design guidelines. The UI/UX process is unified and corresponds to a separate operating system. Plus, your team doesn’t have to worry about adjusting the size and resolution of graphics for each device.

As for users, native applications bring them more interactivity than hybrid or cross-platform ones. Such apps are also much easier to navigate, as they follow the design principles of their operating system.

5. Extensive Customization

Customize the native application as you like, leveraging a separate operating system. With this development approach, you get access to the camera, microphone, GPS, etc., allowing you to create a truly exceptional mobile solution.

6. Better Scalability

Another advantage of native mobile apps over cross-platform or hybrid ones is better scalability. All this, again, is possible due to development on separate platforms.

For example, you can easily add new features to native apps. Why? Because you don’t need to ensure that the newly added functionalities are compatible with the two platforms. You scale applications independently of each other. 

7. Stable Support

Get all the benefits of native development backed by ongoing support for iOS and Android. You can expect up-to-date SDKs and tools that the tech giants Apple and Google will prepare and test for you.

On the other hand, let’s look at third-party organizations that provide tools for cross-platform development. If such providers do not get enough profits from their frameworks, etc., they can stop supporting these tools. In this regard, native development guarantees you more stability.

8. Offline Performance

Another unique advantage of native mobile apps is that they can work offline. It’s in contrast to web applications, which won’t load until an Internet connection appears.

9. App Stores’ Support

Launching a native mobile app is much easier than other types of apps. In the case of native solutions, you follow all the guidelines of the operating systems. Therefore, dedicated app stores are more likely to approve the release of your application to the market.

10. Justified Costs

Speaking of native mobile app development pros and cons, most people consider the price of such applications a disadvantage. Of course, creating two separate solutions may cost more, but they are fully justified.

Just look at the previous nine benefits native apps can present you. Isn’t this enough to acknowledge that such applications are a reasonable investment that pays off in the long run?

Why Should You Choose Native Mobile Application Development?

After examining the numerous native mobile app benefits, you probably feel this development approach is right for you. Yet, take some time to reflect before creating your iOS and Android applications.

We’ll help you with this by giving reasons why you should choose native development:

  • You require a mobile app with a rapid operating speed
  • You want to provide a flawless user experience and high interactivity
  • You consider mobile app customization and scaling critical
  • You expect reliability from both the application itself and the development tools

Here are some considerations before starting native mobile app development:

  • Your expected time to market
  • Your mobile app development budget
  • Your requirements for user experience
  • Availability of experts in iOS and Android development technologies

The choice of dev approach largely depends on your business requirements. But we believe all the advantages and reasons given today will encourage you to opt for native development.

Arounda’s Experience with Mobile App Development

Arounda has an extensive background in creating mobile software. Our skilled team has been providing mobile app design and development services for over five years. During this time, we completed more than 130 projects and received 37 awards as a top-rated design agency.

Our clients choose us since we offer the following:

  • Dedicated and flexible team
  • Long-term cooperation
  • Proactive employees

Moreover, our specialists have an in-depth understanding of how to build native apps. Thus, we can easily create customer-centric mobile applications for iOS or Android. But that’s not everything we can offer. We also have employees who are skilled in cross-platform development.

Do you want to verify our expertise yourself? Then we invite you to view our portfolio. There you will find numerous projects, in particular, in the FinTech, SaaS, healthcare, and food delivery niches.

Final Thoughts

Mobile software is now in its prime, and no business can do without it. Today, companies may choose between several dev methods to create a mobile app. It can be native, hybrid, or cross-platform development.

What is native mobile applications? As simple as that: these are performant, scalable, customizable, user-friendly, and secure apps. Without exaggeration, native development offers the most advantages, and its cost is fully justified.

Got interested in today’s native mobile app benefits and want to create such an application? Contact Arounda’s experts. We have long-standing experience developing mobile apps for iOS and Android, and our specialists anticipate building one for you.


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