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10 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face

10 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face

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Common programming problems start when developers get down to their work to write good code. Nevertheless, even a stably working code may not be called good. In particular, a poorly-written one may run correctly, but its maintenance and scalability will lag.

Arounda, an experienced product design agency, deals with the code of various complexity to build and transform digital products. We gathered the most common problems new programmers face for you to prevent them in your team. Read this article to boost the quality of your products.

1. Communicating Poorly

We begin our list of common coding problems with communication skills. As having complex technical expertise is good, robust soft skills are equally crucial. They mitigate conflicts in the team and enhance fluent collaboration with coworkers.

Asking questions can seem intimidating. Yet, they are necessary for getting better as a developer. Most veteran programmers are open to sharing knowledge and tips to cope with common programming problems. Keep track of it, forming your own knowledge database.

Also, pay attention to comments left by senior colleagues. They may serve as code documentation, providing novices with extra information. 

2. Not Understanding Users

Users see the digital product from a different angle than developers do. Since programmers don't interact with their clients directly, it might be challenging to figure out what their clients and users want. Moreover, users are often unaware of which solution they need; they focus on the problems they face.

To fix these common problems new programmers face, address UX specialists and marketers to understand user expectations. They have all the necessary data about the target audience: what they want, how they feel, and what makes them happy.

This notion helps to construe the code and reduces the number of further alterations. Furthermore, use A/B tests before going on. Users will report any flaws and bugs to mend.

3. No Debugging Strategies

While some errors are easy to fix, many are not. This is why numerous errors are one of the main problems faced by programmers, which is deeply frustrating. Prolonged fixing of bugs extends the development period and budget. 

However, debugging is inevitable, as even the best-written programs have errors. That is why implementing strategies to correct them is crucial. 

One of the options is to recreate the mistake. Learn why your bugs occurred to prevent them. Another option is to get help. Seek the assistance of testers, check out manuals and developers’ forums if you can't reproduce a bug. It is much better than silently waiting for the deadlines to come.

4. Not Keeping up with Technology

Senior developers know that iterations and frequent updates are necessary. Updates may occur one to four times every month. Following all changes in the development tools could be difficult.

Nevertheless, it is vital to devote time to learning novel systems and tools daily. For instance, if an updated version works more effectively, one should take advantage of it to enhance the workflow.

Also, you should keep up with the current trends. Learning new techniques improves coding skills and helps to solve the most common coding problems. Address resources like Codecademy and Stack Overflow; they may save lots of time and effort.

5. Lacking Proper Self-Management

In software development, precise estimates are essential. They can serve as a foundation for project timetables and evaluations. Delays cause problems and undermine trust. 

There are two ways to cope with consistent underestimation. You can divide larger jobs into smaller ones to make them more manageable. Consider each task a minor project and calculate how long it might take to do each. Organizing your tasks this way will make your load more predictable.

Another way is to add a buffer to deadlines. You never know what kind of disruption might happen. In the end, you should have enough time to solve all the typical problems programmers face.

Furthermore, not taking breaks is another example of poor organizational skills. Prolonged sitting has a negative influence on health. Working while standing up relieves back strain and stimulates blood flow. As a result, productivity rises. A 15-minute jog or stroll to reduce stress and fatigue is another option. If you don't have time to exercise, walk to get your lunch or a cup of coffee.

6. Underestimating Security

One of the problems faced by programmers with little experience is that they tend to overlook security. They focus more on delivering error-free code rather than checking to see if it is secure.  

For instance, it is advisable to apply parameterized queries for SQL injections, as hackers may use them to steal data. Protecting your workstation by sticking to security procedures, installing security software, etc., is also a good idea.

7. Carelessly Borrowing Code 

Dealing with another person's code results in some of the most common problems new programmers face. It happens, for instance, when the developer receives the code from their predecessor without the possibility to ask questions.

As the liability lies on the recipient from the moment of the code discharge, explore the code thoroughly before implementation. The time spent on exploring will bear fruit later.

Thoughtlessly reusing large chunks of your own code also be a problem. Copy-pasting is one of the basic programming vetoes. Also, the carelessly reused code is probably repetitious and needs to be updated.

8. Working With Uncleaned Code

Most beginners are not used to the syntax and its strictness. That’s why they often face compiler errors. As a result, programmers get lost in the thicket of error messages. 

To cope with those common programming problems, try the following. Start with the first error message, since a single error may cause multiple messages. Then, mind the compiler objecting when it first notices a problem, not at the point where the problem occurred. The line number represents the last line where the error may have occurred. The problem may have happened earlier, but not later.

Common uncleaned code errors may also include bad variable names. They should be precise and organized. Prefer unambiguous wording over vague generalizations that make it challenging to keep up with the logic of the code. 

For example, when writing a program with interest rate calculations, use the more definite "let interestRate = 0.1;" instead of "let rate = 0.1;". The correct variable denominates the proper kind of rate used. The code will work fine in both cases, but the latter name will provide more information on what is going on.

9. Delivering Overloaded Code

Though programming languages come and go, the most effective developers are problem solvers. Algorithmic thinking is the salvation to the most common problems new programmers face. Technologies are merely tools; if you understand the essence, you can select the best means to address the challenges.

Besides, coding is not an IQ test. It's okay to pick not the most intricate functions. Simple code is easier to create, maintain, and administer. The goal is to tackle the issue's core and find a workable solution, not to show off fancy programming tools and tricks.

To achieve that, always plan the code. Get started only after putting your ideas on paper. There are different tools for it: mind maps, specialized software, and even plain notes. After mapping, potential fixes will reveal. 

10. Not Backing Up Code

Among common programming problems, losing unsaved code is, perhaps, the second most frustrating issue. To avoid it, generate backups of your code and documents regularly. Setting up automated backups can save you a lot of trouble.

Git could help manage files. If your computer or network fails, you will not lose any crucial parts of your work.

Final Thoughts

No one is immune to mistakes. It's okay. But new programmers face numerous challenges, ranging from work organization and communication to coding. They need to deal with those trials in the most effective manner. 

Our primary advice is to act instead of waiting. Promising developers never halt asking for, reading, or finding solutions. The same thing relates to the attitude to the workflow, including work-rest balance, managing security, and routines.

Contact us if you need help or advice from experienced professionals who know how to handle common coding problems. We will gladly handle your project, taking it to a new level. 


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What are the typical coding mistakes that a new programmer makes?

When developing programs, three main types of errors can occur: Syntax errors, like misspelling a statement, missing brackets, using a variable before it has been declared, etc., Logic errors when the program can run but doesn't do what is expected, Runtime errors, for example, writing a program accessing the sixth item in an array that only contains five items.

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