
Power of User Flows in the Design Process

Vladislav Gavriluk

Vladislav Gavriluk

CEO & Founder at Arounda

A service that makes a user's life easier tends to become their favorite. In a world overwhelmed with diverse and complex information, those offering a simple and user-centric design have the upper hand in the market. 

As a design agency specializing in UX, we are experts in creating user flows. We have expertise in working both on mobile and web apps. In this article, we will delve into the value of user flows, exploring their creative process and explaining why current design practices cannot exist without them.

Table of Contents

UX User Flows: What's the Deal?

A user flow refers to the sequence of actions a person takes when using a website or an app. It includes all the steps to reach a goal or complete a task. 

User flows help designers and developers understand how users interact with their products. It can identify any potential roadblocks or areas for improvement. 

Three Reasons Why to Use User Flows in UX

User flows are essential for several reasons: 

  1. They help to understand how users navigate through a digital product. It can help improve the user experience. Designers can identify pain points and optimize the flow to make it more intuitive. 

  2. User flows allow for anticipating and planning for user behavior in advance. It helps design different scenarios and user needs, making the product more user-friendly. 

  3. They can help align different project teams, from designers to stakeholders. A user flow provides a common language and understanding of the user journey. So everyone involved in the project can create a better user experience. 

User Flow Types

Depending on the task-required functionality, and the number of involved pages, you can use and adapt three user flows types to suit your goals.

Task flows

They represent the steps involved in completing a specific task. Task flows follow a single path without branching out into alternative routes. They are most effective when all users follow the same predefined sequence of actions.

Wire flows 

They combine the elements of wireframes and flowcharts. They illustrate the relationship between screens and the data flow between them. Wire flows are more intricate. They come into play once a low-fidelity prototype or wireframe is ready. It depicts how users will interact with and navigate through the system. It aids in the design process for multiple pages or screens. Wire flows are particularly beneficial when designing for mobile screens. 

User flows

They provide a visual representation of how users navigate through a system. It explains how users interact with the design and the outcomes of each interaction. User flows help understand the user experience from start to finish. They serve as a tool for capturing the nuances of user behavior. User flows ensure a user-centric design approach.

When Should You Use User Flows?

User flow is an integral part of UX design. It will be necessary for you at the following three stages.

Understanding your users 

Getting to know your target users is crucial. Conduct thorough customer analysis and research to understand their needs and preferences. This knowledge will determine the necessary elements for your website or product. They include the number of pages or screens required and their optimal arrangement.

Presenting your design 

Once your design work is complete, it's essential to showcase it to colleagues or managers. By seeking opinions from others, you can see how users will interact with your design. Also, you can present how they will fulfill their requirements and what their experience will be like.

Identifying areas for improvement 

Continuous updates are essential to enhancing product quality and the user experience. But identifying flow problem areas and creating optimization solutions can be challenging. This stage involves examining the user flow to determine target points for improvement. It can ensure ongoing enhancements and an optimal user experience.


If you're looking for a team that can professionally provide you with user flow services.Let`s have a talk.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a User Flow

Creating a well-thought-out user flow is critical for designing a product. Follow these steps to ensure that your flow represents the user's journey and leads to a better experience. 

  • Identify the user's goals. Define your target audience. Deep dive into their difficulties and circumstances. Identify the user's end goal. 

  • Define the purpose you want to achieve. Establishing the purpose determines the appropriate types of user flows. This goal will influence the whole direction. It may enhance conversions, increasing company sales, making it a valuable outcome.

  • Map out journey steps. Before creating a user flow, list all the steps on paper or any digital tool. This practice serves two purposes: clarity and efficiency. With this, you gain a clear flow overview and quickly identify missing or redundant steps. This approach saves time during the creation process by providing a structured roadmap. 

  • Choose user flow type. They can serve different purposes depending on the various scenarios. So you should select the one that is most suitable for you. The optimal choice will depend on specific project requirements and objectives.

  • Craft the user flow. Map out the user's journey from start to finish. Identify all the touchpoints, decision points, and actions taken. Using specific tools for prototyping can bring your desired UX design user flow to life. 

  • Test and refine the user flow. Once you have completed the user flow, review it to ensure its reasonableness. Take the time to follow the user flow steps and assess their effectiveness. Share it with your colleagues to gather their input and suggestions. This way, you can incorporate feedback and make any necessary updates. Consider adjusting the user flow to achieve the intended objective for optimal results.


Creating a user-friendly product requires an understanding of the user's journey. Investing in user flows and reaping the benefits is more effective than guessing user needs. 

It's important to remember that user flows are dynamic. You need to update them according to new features and customers' feedback. 

Arounda has assisted startups and small and mid-sized companies in UI/UX design for over five years. So, contact our team if you require reliable support and a boost for your project's development through user flow creation.

Vladislav Gavriluk
Vladislav Gavriluk
CEO & Founder at Arounda
I make sure our clients get the high-quality result from the beginning stage of the idea discovery & strategy to the final digital product.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a user flow in UX?

    In UX design, a user flow refers to a user's path to do a task or goal on a website or app. It outlines the steps a user goes through from the beginning of their experience to the end. For UX designers, it's significant to identify opportunities for project improvement. It helps increase user satisfaction and retention.

  • What are user flow examples?

    A user flow example can be making a hotel reservation online. It starts with the user landing on the hotel's website. They arrive at the login page and search for available rooms based on their travel dates. Once the user has found a suitable option, they select the room and proceed to the booking page. Here, they enter personal information and payment details. After the user has completed the booking, they receive a confirmation email. Throughout this example, there are multiple touchpoints the user interacts with. The design of each step should facilitate easy and seamless navigation for the user.

  • What makes a good user flow?

    A good user flow refers to a user's path to completing a specific website or application task. It is all about creating a seamless and intuitive experience for the user. It would be best if you guided them from the starting point to the end goal in the most efficient way. It should provide feedback at every step, reassuring the user that they are on the right track. Also, it should be visually appealing, with the branding of the website or application.

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