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Experience Design and UX: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Experience Design and UX: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Design Process
8 min read

In today's competitive landscape, captivating customers' hearts is crucial for business success. Being indispensable and the top choice in your industry demands understanding customers' emotions at every interaction. Experience design is the key to achieving this.

At Arounda, we strategize and delve deep into our clients' audiences. For example, with the Mintyswap project, we focused on customer desires, forging lasting connections. Studying the NFT environment helped us develop a trendy and competitive application. 

This article sheds light on the importance of experience design in business, backed by real-life cases and valuable insights into its benefits. Don't leave customer satisfaction up to chance. Let us guide you toward creating exceptional experiences that set your business apart.  

What is Experience Design?

The meaning of experience design is to create captivating and meaningful connections with people, whether in the real world or online. Experience design not only evokes solid emotions but also leaves a lasting impact. It's carefully curating every aspect, from visuals to sounds, scents, and flavors.

This strategic process is versatile and applicable to various scenarios. It can be inventing innovative products, crafting compelling marketing stories, or enhancing workplace policies for happier employees. At its core, it solves problems, elicits positive feelings, and encourages desired behaviors in users.

Experience design is an ongoing journey of refinement. It involves rigorous testing, continuous iteration, and gathering user feedback to ensure a flawless experience. Knowing the people we design for and using their insights as our guide makes it an art of problem-solving. It helps address users' needs and desires.

As an outward-focused strategy, experience design has transformed renowned brands. It reshapes their offerings and elevates customer engagement. This approach drives business success. It delivers unforgettable experiences that users cherish and remember.

A Case of Experience Design in Action 

Let's look at how Airbnb leveraged experience design to undergo a transformative journey. 

In 2009, the company faced a critical challenge with minimal revenue and stagnant growth, bringing it to the brink of failure. Recognizing the need to attract and keep customers, Airbnb adopted a design thinking approach.

Initially, the company generated only $200 weekly, split among the three founders. They soon realized the importance of understanding their customers' pain points. They discovered that poorly presented listings with unappealing amateur photographs hindered bookings. They took a hands-on approach to address this, renting a camera in New York and replacing the images with high-resolution photos. The impact was immediate and astonishing – the weekly revenue doubled to $400 within one week.

Airbnb's customer-centric approach was a turning point, realizing the impact of exceptional experiences and design on acquiring and retaining customers. Immersing themselves in their customers' perspectives taught them firsthand the value of understanding needs and desires. 

This design thinking approach fueled continuous innovation, crafting meaningful user experiences. It makes Airbnb stand out and achieve remarkable growth and global recognition. Today, Airbnb thrives by creating resonating experiences, fueling its business success.

Benefits of Experience Design

To avoid being verbose, we suggest you assess the impact of experience design on specific product areas in each business.

Customer Acquisition 

A well-crafted experience design provides a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining customers. A user-friendly and intuitive design builds trust with the target audience. It makes it easier to convince them to choose your business over competitors.

Improves Customer Retention 

Memorable and impactful experiences keep users engaged and interested, leading to repeat customers. Customers who perceive your business as valuable are more loyal and prefer your products and services.

Reduces Development Time and Cost 

Focusing on experience design from the start saves time and resources. Businesses that invest in creating well-designed and functional products avoid the need for costly redesigns and fix issues before they arise. This effort led to a smoother development process.

Increased Insights From User Engagement 

Experience design provides valuable insights into how and why customers use your product or service. By optimizing the user experience, businesses better understand what attracts and retains customers. This knowledge enables them to shape strategies accordingly.

Reduce Troubleshooting and Support Costs 

A well-thought-out experience design minimizes issues and complexities. It leads to fewer support calls and troubleshooting needs. This efficiency reduces the burden on engineering and support teams, saving costs and resources.

Experience Design and User Experience Design Differences

Experience and user experience design are closely related disciplines, sharing common ground yet exhibiting subtle distinctions.

User experience design revolves around the end-user's interaction with digital products, emphasizing interactivity and usability. Experience design extends beyond digital products, encompassing all aspects of the customer journey, both physical and digital. 

So, let's dive deep and explore these two things' differences.


Experience design is about creating memorable and engaging experiences for users in the real world and online. It's not just about making things look good; it's about understanding the users and crafting experiences that evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact.

At Arounda, our team operates with a values-driven approach to project work. Before starting any project, we must thoroughly research the client's needs and immerse ourselves in their users' experience. It has enabled us to create human-centric products for over seven years. But why take our word for it when you can read reviews from our clients that speak for themselves?

Contact us to elevate your business with our experience design approach.


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

What does experience design mean?

When asked, “What is experience design?” we should explain that it involves creating and improving user interactions with products, services, or systems. It focuses on usability, aesthetics, and accessibility to ensure meaningful, enjoyable, and efficient experiences. Designers can boost satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty by comprehending user needs and preferences. It involves considering factors like interface design, information architecture, and user research to refine and optimize the overall experience.

How does experience design differ from UX design?

Experience design is different from UX design. Though they share similarities and people often use them interchangeably, the two concepts differ significantly. Experience design creates a captivating experience covering all product or service aspects. UX design primarily concentrates on digital interfaces, usability, and meeting user needs. In essence, experience design encompasses the entire user experience, both physical and digital. On the other hand, UX design specializes in digital interfaces and user satisfaction. Both disciplines aim to create exceptional and meaningful experiences for users and customers.

What makes experience design significant?

Experience design influences customers' feelings about a business beyond usability and enjoyment. It involves shaping emotions at each touchpoint, from social media to website interactions, to foster loyalty and trust. By prioritizing experience design, businesses can create a deeper connection with customers. It leads to repeat business and sustained growth. Selling an experience generates more customers and enhances customer retention. Ultimately, experience design shapes customer perceptions, making it vital for building lasting relationships and business success.

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